Read (Hidden) Emotions for Sales Professionals

An elite emotional intelligence skill for professionals in sales enablement roles.


Read (Hidden) Emotions for Sales Professionals

An elite emotional intelligence skill for professionals in sales enablement roles.


Training Experience

You can improve your ability to deal with resistance while increasing the potency of your questioning skills in order deal with new information which you’ve never before had access to – what buyers are thinking and feeling! This is all done by increasing empathy, attentiveness and rapport, while eliminating personal bias.

To frame this, you want to think “Where in my role, would it be most meaningful to know what someone else is really thinking and feeling?”

There are four areas in the sales enablement arena where the application of these skills has its highest value.

1) Leading — Sales Executive
a. Improve your ability to deal with workplace emotional triggers
b. Reinforce accountability with others
c. Healthier one-on-one conversations
d. Shortened learning curve for emerging leaders

2) Selling – Sales Professional
a. Better understanding of buyer’s state
b. Improved questioning skills when emotionally aware of others
c. Stronger ability to deal with rejection, objections and negative interactions
d. Increased skill on understanding truthfulness and credibility of others’ statements
e. Negotiate optimum agreements

3) Coaching – Sales Manager
a. Evaluate reps’ emotional state
b. Deal with performance concerns
c. Detect any hidden/real motives and feelings
d. Identify rep willingness to apply development plans

4) Hiring – the Right Reps
a. Greater insight and questioning skills during interviews
b. Increased truth and lie detection during dialogues
c. Better management of difficult conversations
d. Improved negotiation ability with potential hires

At the end of this session, you will be able to…

  1. Read suppressed emotions in the faces of others by experiencing a special video tool.
  2. Discover the science and function of emotions, by improving how you personally react to triggers which can undermine relationships with others.
  3. Receive coaching to improve your new skills by watching slow motion videos, news clips and learn which muscles in the face indicate which emotion is being suppressed.
  4. Develop your new ability to have healthier relationships by practicing situations where knowing the feelings of others can improve professional and personal relationships.
  5. Reinforce your new learning toward mastery by adopting some tips and best-practices on reading and responding to facial expressions.

About the instructor

Dan Seidman
Dan Seidman • Managing Director

20+ years of improving performance for sales teams by designing and re- designing selling processes utilizing best-practices in buyer motivation and decision-making.

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