About Us

We believe that the first focus of training is not learning objectives, but behavior change.

Our Philosophy

What does it matter if you have a great product or service and your impact is marginalized by team members’ inability to work well together? Could you improve emotional intelligence and communication skills by reading (hidden) emotions? We believe you can. And we know your sales team members are able to increase their ability to sell as well, with our elite programs.

Our goal isn’t to introduce your organization to great training, it’s to improve performance.
Because we focus on behavior change, clients invite us into their organization to:

  • Improve sales performance—by equipping those teams with the ability to recognize and respond to prospects’ hidden emotions
  • Improve staff emotional intelligence, empathy and communication skills, all while recognizing and managing the feelings of others in the company
  • Improve leadership and manager performance—by effectively handling their own emotional triggers to limit negative impact on their team and effectively navigate healthier conversations that increase accountability and productivity

Download that 10-page white paper on this new superpower


Dan Seidman

Managing Director

Wendy Seidman

Chief Learning Officer

Global Network

We are delighted to be part of the two international organizations which serve the world.

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Paul Ekman International

As the North American licensed delivery center for Dr. Paul Ekman’s body of work on reading emotions, truth and lie detection, we have 8 other centers that serve the rest of the globe.

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Emotional Intelligence Academy

Our most trusted partner is the Emotional Intelligence Academy led by my dear friend Cliff Lansley. His organization is made up of a team of social science experts doing new research and developing powerful learning opportunities.

This potent new science is now turning into a new profession. The EIA group has partnered with the Manchester Metropolitan University to offer an Master’s Degree in Communication Behaviour and Credibility Analysis (MSc in CBCA).


For the whitepaper on how this science has been crafted to serve business professionals, click here.

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